Ecole du Numérique (EDN)

Digital Technology
Ecole du Numérique (EDN)


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En 2021, la Faculté de Gestion, Economie & Sciences (FGES) a fondé l'Ecole du Numérique (EDN) en réponse aux bouleversements de notre ère digitale, à la transition vers un avenir durable, à l'évolution énergétique et aux changements socio-économiques. Cette initiative est née de la compréhension de l'importance de préparer les étudiants aux emplois de demain en ajustant nos formations en conséquence. L'EDN propose 2 licences et 5 masters, tous accessibles en alternance : - Licence Sciences du Numérique - Licence Management & Numérique - Master Cyber - Master Data & IA - Master UX & Marketing Digital - Master Management & Transformation Numérique - Master Data Management in Biosciences

Created in 2021, the Digital School is at the heart of our digital transition. The digital revolution, sustainable development, energy transition and socio-economic transition have led us to reflect on the professions of tomorrow and to adjust our training courses accordingly. Thus, with the rise of digital technology, the FGES wanted to create a school dedicated to digital technology and to associate it with an environment conducive to students. Located in the Wenov building on the Euratechnologies campus, this school offers a new approach to training at the crossroads of traditional models. It prepares students for executive positions that require a technical understanding of specific data, tools and digital documents while being able to analyze them. Its creation is part of the Faculty's vision to adjust its training by integrating people at the heart of the project, the responsible economy & the digital dimensions linked to the evolution of the job market, while establishing a close link with the business world. The Digital School wants to be a school at the crossroads of worlds: 👉 A faculty for expertise & humanity 👉 A Business School for management, soft skills & international 👉 An Engineering School for thoroughness, curiosity & equipment

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La Licence Management & Numérique

Distanciel ManagementDigital Technology
03/16/2024 | 14:30 - 15:45

"La Licence Management & Numérique

Présentiel Campus Vauban ManagementDigital Technology
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"Les masters de l’Ecole du Numérique (EDN)

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